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A bottleless water purifier is the cleanest and safest hydration solution for your employee drinking water program. A bottleless water purifier takes your existing tap water and transforms it into a refreshing, clean, tasty beverage. No more hassle of the old fashioned bottled water system!
All of the elite Hydrate HQ systems use only the best in water purification technology. Our state-of-the-art systems utilize Reverse Osmosis to ensure the highest quality drinking water while giving each droplet an electrolyte boost for optimal hydration. Using a bottleless water purifier is the only way to ensure that your office has an endless supply of pure, clean, refreshing drinking water.
Our bottleless water purifiers are installed within a 30-90 minute time window depending on water lines, repair work needed, and/or removing a current system. Hydrate HQ technicians will ensure all clean up is handled in a professional way as well.
Our installation process is simple and seamless. All we need is access to a water source, drain, and power. The Hydrate HQ team of skilled professionals will then make a few simple connections to have your purifier up and running in no time.
Hydrate HQ offers the most advanced hydration solutions with next-level hygiene. Our bottleless water purifiers are state-of-the-art, COVID-compliant, and smarter than that 5-gallon water jug found in most offices or medical facilities. We offer white-glove service and scheduled maintenance so you never have to think about keeping your water purifier in top-working condition.